December 07, 2022

Euphorbia 1:2 (Euphorbia Hirta)


Euphorbia is a strong experctorant and bronchodilating herb


*low dose 0.5 – 1.5 mls per day, 5-12 mls per week

Parts Used:

Aerial Parts

Main Actions:

  • Expectorant
  • Antispasmodic
  • Bronchodilator (mild)

Key Indications:

Relief of symptoms of bronchitis, upper respiratory catarrh and spasm

Relief of diarrhoea

Major Safety Issues:

The daily dose of this liquid extract is low, the dosage range is narrow and/or adverse effects may occur if prescribed above the maximum daily dose. Accurate measurement of dose is vital to minimise the chance of adverse effects and/or toxicity