Prosperity Spray
Every day, in every way, my health wealth & happiness increases, as the golden glow of Prosperity infuses all areas of my life.
Increases our ability to feel & live a prosperous life. Prosperity is not just about financial flow & abundance, it's the ability to truly enjoy every moment, embracing all the richness it holds. This includes an ever increasing level of emotional well-being flowing from increasing states of health & happiness, of joy, love & laughter. Choose this: If you're feel trapped in a pattern of financial lack & limitation that is holding you back from feeling the joy & wealth of emotional experience available in each moment.
Prosperity & abundance, an increased ability to enjoy all the good things in life, including exponentially increasing levels of physical & emotional well-being.
Patterns of focus on negativity, lack & scarcity, feeling blocked & locked into a repeating pattern of lack & struggle, inability to deeply enjoy your life.
Jasmine, pink grapefruit & rosemary. Uplifting & inspiring.
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